北京 分享 facebook China plans to raise the speed of its bullet trains back up to 350 kph (217 mph), state media reported, six years after a deadly high-speed rail crash prompted authorities to slow trains across the country.官方媒體報導,中國大陸計畫將高鐵列車的速率調回時速350公里,6年前發生致命高鐵事故後,當局降低全國高鐵的速限。Trains on China's high-speed rail network are designed to travel up to 350 kph, but Beijing ordered speeds to be cut to between 250-300 kph in 2011 after over 30 people were killed in a train crash in eastern Zhejiang province.中國的高鐵網絡設計可達時速350公里,然而2011年華東浙江省發生30多人死亡的撞車事故後,北京下令時速降至250到300公里。The Beijing News said the government planned to implement the increased speeds between Beijing and Shanghai in September, which would cut travel time to 4.5 hours from up to 6 hours currently.新京報報導,政府當局計畫9月調高北京到上海高鐵的速限,車程將從現在的6個小時減為4.5個小時。China's newest "Fuxing" bullet trains, which were unveiled in June and are capable of top speeds of 400 kph, will be used for that journey, it said.報導說,中國6月最新發表的子彈列車「復興號」將用在這條路線,最高時速可達400公里。China is home to the world's longest high-speed rail network . Of China's 31 provinces and regions, 29 are served by high-speed rail with only the regions of Tibet and Ningxia yet to be connected.中國的高鐵路線總長度世界第一。31個省和地區當中的29個已有高鐵,僅有西藏自治區及寧夏自治區未連接高鐵網絡?


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